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In honor of National Do Nothing Day on January 16th, we decided to help you do nothing this post-holiday season. There’s no better way to start the new year than by focusing on your mental and physical health and taking a day for yourself! Here are some ways to detox your mind, body, and spirit and have a relaxing day off!

woman relaxing on couch with cucumbers over her eyes
Sleep In

Catch up on lost sleep and spend the day in bed! It’s still cold outside, so why not stay warm and snuggle up in the blankets? With all the travel and holiday meals, the holidays can be exhausting. Make up for lost sleep by staying in until you’re tired of lying down!

Stay in Your Pajamas

You’re staying in today, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t stay in your pajamas! Wear your favorite pajama pants and slippers around the house today, and be as comfortable as you want! If you want to be extra warm, try out this wearable blanket we found!

Make it a Movie Day

If you’re like most people, you have a movie watchlist that seems impossible to finish. Take the day and put on the films you want to binge so you can finally understand what a Mojo Dojo Casa House is! If you want to keep up with the trends, see what’s new in 2024!

man turning off alarm clock using hammer lying on the bed at bedroom.
Easy Meals

Don’t worry about cooking an extravagant meal today. Stay in and order from your favorite takeout spot! If you aren’t looking to eat out but want something easy to make, look no further than this Mexican Grilled Cheese Sandwich!

Listen to Music

You can do this with almost any lazy day activity. Put on headphones, open Spotify, and wind down to your favorite music! Listen to your favorite band’s best album or check out some of their new stuff (results may vary). You can also use this time to catch up on that true crime podcast everyone keeps telling you about!

woman listening music and using cellphone while resting on couch at home
Have a Spa Day

Give yourself an at-home spa day! Avoid paying the costly price of a resort spa and pamper yourself in the comfort of your own home. Draw a hot bath and relax in the tub with this spa gift basket we found! Now you can pamper yourself without having to leave the house!

Indulge in a Good Book

Are you someone who likes to read but can never find the time to? Now’s your chance! It’s time to dust off the book that’s been sitting on your nightstand for three years and finally start reading it! If you don’t have a new one, read a classic from your childhood! We aren’t going to stop you from reading Harry Potter for the 10th time!

Turn off Your Phone

Take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while. Mute all notifications on your phone and step away from everything. Step away from your emails, social media, and text messages. Being constantly surveillant of your phone can be mentally taxing and cause burnout quicker. Make this your day to disconnect and give your brain a day off!

book and cup of coffee in hands of girl near fireplace

Celebrate Do Nothing Day in style this year by not doing anything! This isn’t the only day you can participate, take a lazy day anytime you need it! Focusing on your well-being should happen year-round, not just after the holidays.

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1 Geneva Breton Macdonald