Back Easy To Do Home Workouts

Improve your health without spending your hard earned money on a gym membership. Working out at home is an easy way to trim body fat, strengthen your overall wellbeing, and helps you feel good both mentally and physically. Get ahead of holiday weight gaining and utilize these easy at home workouts!

Cat, fitness or happy woman in yoga stretching legs for body flexibility, wellness or healthy lifestyle. Kitten, pet animal or zen girl in exercise, workout or training warm up in house exercising

Squats are versatile and can be done almost anywhere in the home. All you need is a few feet of open space where you can move freely. Doing squats can help you build muscle all over your body, improves balance and posture, and can prevent back pain from occurring. You can use Kettlebells for additional punch and helps increase muscle faster!

Counter Push Ups

Push ups can be done laying on the floor or leaning on a counter or wall! Pushups increase muscle mass in your back, shoulders, and abs in addition to bettering your posture and bone health. Lean at an angle while doing everyday tasks like making dinner and get a quick upper body workout in the process!


Frequent walks improve your blood flow and strengthens your heart. A simple exercise, going on a 30 minute walk outside can lead to a positive difference in overall health. If you sit at a desk all day, going on a walk is a great way to meet your step goal and get extra walking in!

Jump Rope

Purchasing a low cost jump rope is a fantastic way to burn calories and increase your coordination. This can be done in the home but is safer to do in the garage or backyard where you will have plenty of space to move around.

Fitness exercise with kettlebell, smart training, exercise, home workout

Whether on an exercise bike in your house or on a pleasant ride around your neighborhood, biking can lead to many health benefits. This is a good cardio exercise for more rapid weight loss and helps with joint mobility. Mental health benefits are also direct causes to biking as it reduces stress and anxiety levels!

Triceps Dips

Triceps dips improve your joint health and increases arm muscles. To do this, find a short table or bench, sit on the ground facing away from it, and use your arms to push yourself up. Essentially this is reverse pushups that focus on the back of your arms, not your biceps.


One of the best at home core exercises you can do, planking increases ab strength and helps increase lung capacity. All you need to do is get in push up position, but instead of putting your hands on the ground you instead lean on your forearms. This is a great way to get a good ab workout in only a few minutes time!

Man Exercising Doing Plank Exercise At Laptop During Online Workout Indoors

These simple workouts are perfect for the home and are easy enough for anyone to do. If there are any other workouts you like to do, let us know by tagging us on Instagram @HomeByGeneva!

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1 Geneva Breton Macdonald