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Will Home Values Continue Rising In 2022?
Will Home Values Continue Rising In 2022?

One of the major storylines over the last year is how well the residential real estate market performed. One key metric in the spotlight is home price appreciation. According to the latest indices, home prices are skyrocketing this year.

Here are the latest percentages showing the year-over-year increase in home price appreciation:

The dramatic increases are seen at every price point and in all regions of the country.

Increases Are Across Every Price Point

According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, each price range is seeing at least a 19% increase year-over-year:

Will Home Values Continue Rising In 2022?

Increases Are Across Every Region in the Country

Every region in the country is experiencing at least a 14.9% increase in home price appreciation, according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA):

Will Home Values Continue Rising In 2022?

Increases Are Across Each of the Top 20 Metros in the Country

According to the U.S. National Home Price Index from S&P Case-Shiller, every major metro is seeing at least a 13.3% growth in prices (see graph below):

Will Home Values Continue Rising In 2022?

What Can We Expect for Price Appreciation in 2022?

Prices are the result of the balance between supply and demand. The demand for single-family homes has been strong over the last 18 months. The supply of houses available for sale was near historic lows. However, there’s some good news on the supply side. reports:

“432,000 new listings hit the national housing market in August, an increase of 18,000 over last year.”

There will, however, still be a shortage of supply compared to demand in 2022. CoreLogic reveals:

“Given the widespread demand and considering the number of standalone homes built during the past decade, the single-family market is estimated to be undersupplied by 4.35 million units by 2022.”

Yet, most forecasts call for home price appreciation to moderate in 2022. The Home Price Expectation Survey, a survey of over 100 economists, investment strategists, and housing market analysts, calls for a 5.12% appreciation level next year. Here are the 2022 home appreciation forecasts from the four other major entities:

  1. The National Association of Realtors (NAR): 4.4%
  2. The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA): 8.4%
  3. Fannie Mae: 5.1%
  4. Freddie Mac: 5.3%

Price appreciation is expected to slow in 2022 when compared to the record highs of 2021. However, it is still expected to be greater than the annual average of 4.1% over the last 25 years.

What Does This Mean For You?

If you owned a home over the past year, you’ve seen your household wealth grow substantially, and you’ll see another nice boost in 2022. If you’re thinking of buying, consider buying now as prices are forecast to continue increasing through at least next year.

Homeownership can equate to a greater level of wealth, we’ve broken down the statistics between owning a home and net worth here. If you have purchased a home in the past few years it’s likely you have a good amount of equity in your home. This is good for several reasons. If you decide to sell, you are going to receive top dollar for your home, and have more buying power. Curious to see how much you could make from selling your home? Check out our interactive calculator here:

Another great opportunity that stems from higher home values, is your ability to refinance. Folks choose to refinance for several reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Taking Cash Out
  • Shorting Their Mortgage Term
  • Removing Mortgage Insurance
  • Consolidating Debt
  • Lowering Their Payment
  • Completing Home Renovations

Whatever your reason, we’ve got you covered. Use our mortgage monitor to see what might be possible for you:

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1 Geneva Breton Macdonald